See these gift and more “men gift ideas” here
1- Beard Clippers – My hubby says these are the best cordless, beard clippers money can buy. Apparently he had 4 other clippers before these and they were all garbage…..but these are the best. He has a beard, and I do not…so I will take his word for it.
2- Cordless Screwdriver – An electric screw driver that is super inexpensive. Manual screw drivers are so 2019…(I am guessing these have been a thing for much longer, but I’m not super knowledgeable in the tool department)
3- Leaf Blower – If you really love your husband and really hate leaves…this is the perfect gift. It is a little pricey, but apparently leaf blowers are not cheap and this is a good deal for a nice blower. My husband is telling me all this…so it must be true
4- Picture Hanging Kit – I asked my husband about this one, because we have been in our house going on 8 years and haven’t hung a picture in a really long time. I guess he saw a lot of picture hanging in his future and invested in this little contraption. According to him, it is really awesome and makes picture hanging super easy. I still have no clue what new picture he hung though…
5- Sonos Smart Speaker – My husband likes this speaker, we have a 2 of these plus a few other Sonos speakers at our house. It is easy to unplug and move around. My husband is also in charge of sound at our house….and I think he is doing a pretty good job.
6- Docking Station – Perfect for the man who has now found himself working from home. My husband has this and was able to hook up the following using this thing: 2 monitors, laptop, keyboard, mouse, iPhone connector. It may be a boring gift, but definitely a useful one.
7- Wireless Headphones – My husband owns multiple items from this brand and really likes it. These are a good alternative to air pods, at like a third of the cost.
8- Cocktail Kit – For the aspiring bartender…which is probably most everyone since we have all been staying home much more instead of frequenting the bars. This kit is mutually beneficial. He makes the fancy drinks….and you drink them.
9- Magnetic Car Phone Mount – Don’t text and drive….or really do anything on your phone while driving. I have a car phone mount, but it is not as cool as this one, so I should actually ask for one of these for Christmas for myself. To use it, you just stick the magnet on the inside of your phone case, then the holder is magnetic….voila. My husband tells me that if you put the magnet as high up as possible in the case, you can still use the wireless charging.
10- Reusable K-cup – These reusable k-cups reduce waste, save money, and make better coffee. Just buy your fave coffee grounds, and you can use them in your K-cup coffee machine using this nifty little thing.
11-Growler Keg – We don’t get out much, but one place we do frequent is breweries. They tend to be really big and open and have lots of outdoor seating…..so you can keep your distance and enjoy a drink. These are really cool, cause you can fill it up at the brewery, and then take the party back home with you. And when we do actually start going to parties again, this is a fun way to bring beer for your friends to try.
12- Death and Co Cocktail Book – A really nice book with lots of fancy AF cocktails in it. And one day when you feel safe to travel again, you can visit the world-famous bar in NYC.
13- Sous Vide Precision Cooker– I don’t do a lot of cooking, so don’t ask me how this thing works. I can tell you that my husband loves using this to make fancy egg bites (like Starbucks, but better because they are made with love) and he used it to make the Thanksgiving Turkey last year. You can also do all kinds of meats and it’s really hard to screw something up with this since you just set it and come back like 6 hours later to something cooked to a precisely perfect temperature.
14- Yeti Coozie – My hubby’s friend actually gifted him a set of these one year, and he uses them frequently. For most of us, the Yeti cooler is out of budget (or we just refuse to spend that much on a cooler)…but this is very reasonable and it still looks like you care.