We have been slowly getting our new house in order. Here are some of the finds we used to decorate/furnish our bath
Master Bath
We have kept the decor in here pretty simple so far. We still need to add curtains / blinds behind the tub.

Bathtub / Wall Sconces / Mirror (30X40) / Towel Hooks / Towels / Bath Mat Rugs / Makeup Mirror / Shower Steamers
IRL pics to come! Our bathroom is currently too messy to photograph
Powder Room

Mirror (20X30) / Curtain Rod / Shower Curtain / Framed Art / Shower Hooks / Towel Holder / Wall Sconce / Wicker Storage Basket

Guest Bedroom Bath

Shower Curtain / Shower Hooks / Shower Rod / Mirror (30X40 in Silver) / Wall Sconce / Glass Jars / Wicker Storage Basket / Towel Hooks

Daugher’s Bathroom

Shower Curtain (only 1 left) / Shower Curtain Similar option / Soap Dispenser / Toothbrush Holder / Soap Dish / Tulips / Vase / Wall Sconce / Bath Mat / Bath Bombs / Kid’s Electric Toothbrush